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Pro-Stamina is formulated to meet the demands of horses before, during and after intense work and as a 'pick-me-up' for horses not their usual selves. Using a concentrated blend of herbal extracts it aids vascular, immune and digestive efficiency. Pro-Stamina is designed to promote stamina and to reduce recovery time. It is rich in iron and vitamins C and E. Ingredients promote red blood cell production for cardiovascular health and optimum lung function. Furthermore, Pro-Stamina promotes appetite and digestion and a well-functioning lymphatic system. It is also designed to combat muscle tightness during and after exercise.

Like all Pro-Equine products, Pro-Stamina is a concentrated formula with NO additives, preservatives or carrier base. There are no banned substances in any Pro-Equine products. All products are fast-working and effective - and 100% natural.



  • Liquorice, Oatseed, Dandelion, Couchgrass, Red Clover, Cleavers, Nettle, Hawthorn

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